
The Forum of Romanian Association of Malaysia

RAM Forum (5 topics)

RAM Forum is a container with numerous categories of your topics. The aim of the forum is to fully equip you with the information that you need for living in Malaysia, from education to services. Besides, it includes other interesting topics for your own knowledge. The categories are as follows: introduction (of members), education, shopping, legislation, networking, leisure time, culture, services, announcements and food recipes. If you want to add another category to the list, please feel free to e-mail us and we will be delighted to consider it and to implement it.

Introduction (No topics)

Within this category you will find the testimonies of all of our members, and you can visualise when a new member is introducing himself/herself. This way, we can all get to know each other. We encourage all of our new members to write a short description of themselves here, and as well to read the existing testimonials in order to be acquainted with the ones that form the Romanian Association in Malaysia.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Education (No topics)

Have you just relocated and you do not know which school would suit your child? Or perhaps, you would like to enrol in a university or to find out more about the education possibilities in this country. Within this category you can find all the information, articles and answers in regards to the education. However, if you do have a question that has not been answered yet throughout this section, please feel free to ask it below.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

COVID-19 (No topics)

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Shopping (No topics)

Within this category you can find information on which shops are a must, promotions and where to find certain products. Please feel free to ask any question that you may have or to add information on a new shop/promotion for others.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Legislation (No topics)

Please visit this section if you need information on how to obtain certain documents, the process of obtaining tourist or professional visas and which offices are relevant to your situation. Please feel free to add any new useful information or to address questions.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Socializare (1 topics)

Dacă doriți să socializați, aici puteți găsi propuneri pentru petreceri, excursii, întâlniri la cafele, concerte, degustări, cocktailuri etc. Dacă aveți o nouă propunere, va rugăm să o scrieți mai jos pentru a invită alte persoane.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
Hai sa ne cunoastem!
by Kati
7 years 9 months ago

Leisure time (No topics)

Here you can find tips on where to go out and where you can spend your leisure time. Within the section, you can also find the main touristic attractions, clubs, bars, fitness clubs and many more.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Culture (No topics)

Within this section you can find recommendations on which shows, theatre plays, opera or stand-up comedy shows, are a must see.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics

Servicii (3 topics)

Dacă aveți nevoie de anumite servicii dar nu le-ați găsit în celelalte secțiuni, atunci le găsiți aici. Verificați și adăugați o recomandare pentru orice serviciu.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci

Announcements (1 topics)

If you are selling or buying a product/service, if you have an announcement or perhaps you are needing employees, then this is the section where you can freely post these advertisements. Please post relevant announcement as this is NOT a promotional opportunity for companies.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
Ziua Nationala a Romaniei in K ...
by Kati
7 years 3 months ago

Rețete culinare (No topics)

În această secțiune vom face schimburi de rețete culinare și de adresele locațiilor ingredientelor.

Moderators: Dana, Momo, Kati, mathelaci
No topics
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